Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Economic crisis

In today's economic crisis people must wonder how they have become a product of society letting themselves take shape into what it wants them to be- The American Dream. I was supposed to go to college, get a job, get married, have kids and go about my mundane routine, retire and redefine myself at the age of 67 with only about 20 years left to live. If I saved enough money for retirement, then I could do what I have always wanted, right? Can this really work if you follow society’s guidelines or do we fail even if we adhere? With today’s consistent advances in technology how do we apply traditional values to new concepts of efficiency and newly formed skills based off systems that have only existed for a few months?

These are all questions that I am sure people ponder but push into the back of their minds as they continue to work towards accomplishing their dreams. I go against the grain at times while attempting financially stability and maybe that is why I am just above drowning in debt and eating canned food. My dreams in life have varied from race driver, to actor, motivational speaker, to esteemed boyfriend, husband and one day excellent father. At what cost do these dreams come? Personal experience sheds light that they are found mainly on inheritance, social connections and working your life away. In the path I chose I find myself having to conform at certain times to society’s "money and social structure" in order to have my dreams come true while I crave discovering other ways that are more conducive to reaching my goals.

When a company hires it must weight how much of a priority a person can be due to the fluctuation of the technological boom. This sets a grand divide between those whose skills must be trained and developed against those who formerly grew up with a lifestyle integrating these skills required for these job positions. My perspective is that companies are categorizing youthfully skilled adults as more profitable because they take less time learning, less pay and are more productive. However what happens when they too become obsolete and have no choice but to find their next career? Computer systems are outdated within 1-2 years of each other in which any attempt to discover what the new guidelines for company profitability and new skill requirements are, can get lost within such a short time frame of changing technology. Thus surviving in the job market with continued education becomes vital to keep one’s social bearing and status. What's your opinion?

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Unknown said...

So then what do you propose as a way to solve these issues. I mean I really see it is as a transfer of power. The Chinese market is going up. Do we need to move to another country to find work. Do you see a one world government or is that just crazy talk. How do you expect we make money. I mean the internet proves to be the best way to get fast cash. Businesses depend on viewers like you and me to frequent their adds or frequent their sites and buy directly from the internet. Why limit ones self to a neighborhood. Not these days. We have a whole global market of limitless consumers who only knows what they want. One day its cars with gas the next day its electric cars and suddenly the gas price drops one dollar and it is back to gas powered cars again. So in an emotionally charged consumer world how do we sell our selves (and i say that morbidly on purpose!).

Unknown said...

Dare I ponder the course of civilization, its highs and lows, the increase and decrease in power and money? Despite being so advanced in a global and technological stance, I feel we still fall prey to the natural course of history the ups and downs, the plagues, the population increases. I must say that things seem more epic now, but perhaps that is just our fear culture talking, exacerbating it.

The Wraith 1985 said...


Thank you for becoming a follower of economyandthefuture.blogspot.com. I am so happy that you have such good questions to ask and I will try to the best of my knowledge answer them accordingly. I would also like to state that for right now I will be giving my opinions so if anyone finds what I say to be offense please remember that everyone has one of their very own as well. First I think our government is bascially very good at keeping people's emotions exactly where they want them. Through the use of motivational speakers and publically advertised commericials, those of us who become easily influenced will adhere to everything and be led like sheep to our slaughter. Then there are others that want to be led while knowing just when to get out because they feel this sense of unease and realize that they have to use the mind they were born with and start follwoing instincts. The next type of people I see would be those who totally isolate themselves from social structure and begin to follow their own and if able will find others with similar views and segregate themselves into their own place on the earth where they choose to live by their own laws. Now the money question you had. Had do we make money? See our way of making money is nothing more than taking any opportunity people can find via the internet or the good old fashioned way of working hard for someone else. There is always the idea of connections which I am firm believer however for those who have none they must start somewhere and they are left with the choice of working hard or working smart. Lastly you ask how do we sell ourselves. Well that all depends on your target audience. You either change the way you act, look , think, speak or you show through your own natural action and commuincation what it is you are offering to someone in order for them to hire you. I hope this helps as I value your thoughts. They are always welcome.

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